Start connecting with Bitkub NEXT
Learn how to connect authentication with Bitkub NEXT by following our simple step.
Connect your authentication process seamlessly with Bitkub NEXT using the essential key below:
Project ID ⚙️
Web API Key ⚙️
Client ID ⚙️
Overview step
Configuration: Create a constant file to store your project ID, web API Key, and Client ID. The credentials are essential for establishing a secure connection with Bitkub NEXT
Usage: create an OAuth callback to handle the authentication process. This callback will enable users to login to your application using their Bitkub NEXT credentials. Implement the necessary logic to securely authenticate users and manage their session
1. Configuration
1. Create a Constant file
2. Create Context Provider file
import constants
import useBitkubNextSDK, BitkubNextSDK, OAuth2ConnectMode
Call useBitkubNextSDK with constants
Export useContext, Provider
3. Add BitkubNextSdkContextProvider as HOC of the app (Top level)
2. Usage
Create an OAuth callback page (
Import useBitkubNextContext
Call bitkubNext.resolveCodeFromLogin with URL
2. Handle login
Import useBitkubNextContext
implement bitkubNext.login with redirect URL that matched BKC config
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