Create and Get a Client ID
To use the Bitkub Chain Developer Console SDK, you need to get a Client ID and obtain it to use in your environment (env) file. Here's a step-by-step explanation of the process:
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To use the Bitkub Chain Developer Console SDK, you need to get a Client ID and obtain it to use in your environment (env) file. Here's a step-by-step explanation of the process:
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Description: to request an authentication key for connecting to Bitkub NEXT authentication service; this key allows for authentication and access to authorized resources or data. Help maintain the service's security and integrity by ensuring only authorized can access it.
Go to the “Authentication” menu.
Go to tab: OAuth Consent Screen Detail
Input Authentication, Name Description
For Testnet, the system generates the project logo for authentication within two digits of the project name.
Input Authorized JavaScript origin
Origin of your website
max 16 URLs
Input Authorized Callback URL
Origin of your website + /oauth/callback
max 16 URLs)
Click the “create” and confirm
Copy the Client ID and Client Secret to use in your project. 🎊
The Bitkub Chain Developer Center: SDK Console will return a client ID; a secret key is typically used for authentication.
Client ID: is a unique identifier that’s issued by the API or used for input required in the header of each request API
Client Secret Key: This value is associated with the Client ID and is used to verify the identity of Bitkub NEXT authentication.
Don’t hardcode your client's secret key in your application’s source code. Storing the client's Secret Key in plain text in your code makes it easy for attackers to find and use it. Instead, consider storing the client's secret key in a secure location outside your code, such as an environment variable or a configuration file that’s not publicly accessible.
Keep your client's Secret Key confidential. Don’t share your client's secret key with anyone who doesn’t need to know it, and avoid storing it in insecure locations such as public GitHub repositories.
Rotate your client's Secret Key regularly. Consider regularly rotating your client's Secret Key to reduce the risk of being compromised. Update any associated configurations or environments variable when you rotate your client secret key.
Monitor your application for suspicious activity. Keep an eye out for any unauthorized access attempts or other suspicious activity that could indicate that your client's Secret Key has been compromised.